APRIL, 2013
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featured medicinal plant

Above: Leaves of Various Varieties of Basil Plants
Below: Purple Basil Flowers; Green Basil

IN THE SOUL/SPIRITUAL WORLD: The basil individual is commonly a victim of protracted abuse whose very survival depended upon avoiding vulnerability. As a defensive mechanism, she learned to survive through the mechanism of separation and keen judgment. While this mechanism served to protect her from external and internal enemies, it invariably favored the selective development within the psyche of suspiciousness, cynicism, judgmental attitudes and isolation (Gevurah component of her soul hypertrophied). Rabbi Kaplan writes: “The Gevurah person... does not care at all about other people and finds it impossible to love someone else or be loved in return. He never does anybody a favor. He is withdrawn and totally self-contained.” Basil can help one to move forward with a balanced equation of compassion and strength and, thus, find his or her way toward a peaceful and meaningful existence.
Compiled from B. Berkowsky's Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils ©1998-2008

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featured medicinal plant


Ocimum basilicum

PLANT INFORMATION: A tender, annual herb native to tropical India, Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands, Basil can grow to a height of 24-inches in warm, sunny weather in rich, well-drained soil. It has greenish or purple-white flowers, and dark-green ovate leaves whose edges tip inward toward the central spine lending each leaf a ruffled appearance. It is a member of the Labiatae family and related to the mints, a relationship that is manifested in its minty-licorice aroma and taste.

HISTORICALLY: Iin Italy basil was associated with love, in Greece with hate and misfortune, and in other parts of Europe with encourage sympathetic feelings. A Moldavian myth holds that a young man will fall in love with any young unmarried woman from whom he accepts a sprig of basil. The Jews once relied on basil to bring strength during long periods of fasting, in India basil was planted in honor of the Hindu gods Krishna and Vishnu to protect the spirits of the family members, and in Iran, Egypt and Malaysia basil is planted on the graves of departed loved ones.

IN HERBAL MEDICINE: The warming, moistening, antiseptic herb is traditionally used for: nervous disorders; anxiety; melancholia; nervous headache; gum ulcers; earache; colds; flu; cough; anorexia; obstructions of the internal organs; intestinal parasites; amenorrhea; dysmenorrhea; bleeding before and after delivery; poor lactation; infant colic; rheumatoid arthritis; wandering rheumatic pains; skin diseases accompanied by itching; ringworm; warts; malaria and other febrile disorders, snake bites; wasp or hornet stings; scorpion stings.

IN AROMATHERAPY: The distilled leaves & tops may be used for: nervous debility; mental fatigue; shyness; hysteria; depression; nervous insomnia; fatigue; migraine headache; fainting spells; vertigo; epilepsy; temporary paralysis; heart weakness; sinus congestion; asthma; bronchitis, emphysema; flu; spastic coughs; loss of sense of smell due to catarrhal obstruction; allergies; hay fever; vomiting; motion sickness; gastrointestinal spasms; indigestion; hiccups; constipation; colitis; irritable bowel syndrome; liver congestion; hepatitis; gout; pancreatic sluggishness; breast engorgement; adrenal fatigue; amenorrhea; dysmenorrhea; uterine congestion; prostate congestion and inflammation; malaria rheumatoid arthritis; muscle spasms; sluggish venous circulation; varicose veins; congested skin; viral infections; polio; shingles; insect stings or bites; scorpion stings; and snakebites.
Compiled from B. Berkowsky's Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils ©1998-2008

What's Going On At The Centre?

Getting Into The Zone

The "zone." "Flow". Why does everyone aspire to get there? Does it conflict with the mindfulness of being in the moment right where you are (Of which I'm a great advocate.)? It's when we're "in the zone" that we achieve our peak performance. Flow only works when the subconscious takes over from the conscious mind -- not consciously thinking about what it is you're doing — instead, just doing it. It's only by having experience in doing that thing that your brain can form the requisite myelin pathways built up in your brain so you can get to and stay in that place quickly and easily. Getting into the zone also requires relaxing and feeling positive emotions. The benefits of being in the zone require one to be motivated enough to remain focused on the present moment.

According to James Allworth, in his article, "How To Get Into Your Zone" (Harvard Business Review, March 22, 2012), there are various ways that may help you get into your zone, and I have selected three: 1. Find & put yourself in an environment that is right for you, a location that is comfortable and appropriate for what you need to do; 2. Listen to music that activates the emotions to get you into the best mental state. Use headphones to block out any distractions; and 3. Exercise your body as well as your mind whether you want to get into the physical or mental zone. So, in order to get into the zone you need, focus, energy, and undistracted focus (using music often helps).

Getting into the zone is as important for professional athletes as it is for writers, workers, and spiritual seekers.We get into the zone because we want to, because we have clear goals, and because we know how to start or do something. Concentration keeps us in the zone, and making continuous progress makes us feel good about being there. Getting into the zone is not a mysterious, unnatural state; it can be reached practically anytime we know what we want to achieve and we enjoy doing so.

Last month, we had many opportunities to learn how to get into the zone. We enjoyed a crystal bowl concert; we got our yoga classes up and running; and we tapped and meditated and laughed until we each reached our respective zones. Reasearch has shown that making regular use of activities of this type have a cumulative effect and help us get into the zone more quickly so that we can be more productive and less stressed.

This month, we have all that -- AND MORE!! Libby is offering a new section of The Deep River Within: Reconnecting With Your Spirit, a 6-week course in exploring your unique spirit and reigniting it. Libby is also setting up a Soul Sunday, A Day In Which To Replenish, Inspire and Refocus; let her help you to find ways to get into your unique zone that are right for you. This is the type of quiet day that we all deserve. By request, Grace Bubeck is coming back to present a workshop on Flow; based on her previous interactive afternoon on intuition, I'm sure that you're going to be able to better understand and feel how flow happens for you.

If you were closed out of our previous Exploring My Relationship With Food - BHHC In-House Retreat Weekend, don't miss it this time around. Get great insights into yourself as you look carefully at the connection between yourself, your feelings, and your food. Even though we will follow a smootie/juice diet, the focus of this retreat is not about dieting; it's about how food makes you feel and about how feelings make you choose your food. It will be a relaxing, informative and insightful two days, all focused on you. Please reserve now because the group will be kept small.

There have been many requests for me to explain What Is Aromatherapy Really? So I've put together a Tea & Talk to do just that. Let's look at how to use essential oils safely and appropriately. Next month I will be running both 1 course for Using Aromatherapy With Friends & Family and 1 course for Professional Certification. This month's presentation gives you a chance to decide if Aromatherapy work is for you.

Have a Scent-Sational Month!
Sheryl Beller-Kenner, EdD, CH, CAHP, RCRT
Director & Naturopath


This Month's Activities

The Deep River Within:
Reconnecting With Your Spirit

Libby Parker
4/3/2013- 5/8/2013
7:00 - 9:15 PM

Montreal Laughter League
Albert Nerenberg
4/07/13 -- 1st Sun of month in 2013
12:00 PM

Practitioner Exchange: Session Exchange
Dr. Sheryl Beller-Kenner
4/07/13 1st Sun of month in 2013
6:30-9:00 PM

Friday Evening Films & Discussion --
Food Matters
THURSDAY, 4/11/13
2nd Fri of each month in 2013:
7-10:00 PM

Soul Sundays:
A Day to Replenish, Inspire and Refocus

Libby Parker
10:00 - 3:00

Women's Meditation Group
Dr. Sheryl Beller-Kenner
4/14/13 -- 2nd Sun of month
7:00-8:30 pm

Exploring My Relationship With Food - BHHC In-House Retreat Weekend
BHHC - various
Sat & Sun, 4/20/13 & 4/21/13
9:00am -5:00pm

What Is Aromatherapy Really?
Tea & Talk

Dr. Sheryl Beller-Kenner
7:00-9:00 PM

Tapping Circle
Kelly Roughton
4th Friday of the month in 2013

Montreal Lightworking Meetup
[For Energy Workers Only]

6:30-8:30 pm

please pass the word:

Health-Care Practitioners: We now have office space available for rent on a part-time, short or long-term basis. Please contact Sheryl for further information.
Special Events

April 20-21, 2013  9:00 AM - 6:00 pM


2 Days! 10 Meals! 6 Practitioners! 6 Workshops!

Food Preparation! Journaling!  Body Movement! Meditation!  Support! Connection!

Join us for this special event as we RETREAT from our daily routines
to gently explore our relationship with what & why we eat.

Saturday -- A Day For Exploring
APR 20

Day One -- A Day For Exploring:

Starting early Saturday morning, we will be "Retreating From What We're Eating". We will be replacing solid foods with liquified ones as we explore our relationship with food through various, gentle and enjoyable learning activities - vision boards, nutritional presentations, body movement, journaling, and meditation, among others. We will prepare our own nutritional smoothies, and, through 3 workshops, some mindful body movement, and some journal reflexions, we discover the real role of food in our lives. We will go home to sleep and return on Sunday morning.

<>Sunday -- A Day For Taking Action
APR 21

Day Two -- A Day For Taking Action:

We continue our learning, today focused on acquiring new tools related to eating. Three more workshops, 4 more smoothies, and different mindfulness workshops later, we will end the weekend with a vegetarian supper on Sunday. You will leave with a renewed sense of yourself and a load of tips that you can use to improve your love life with food.




Well Ness Yoga @ BelArôme

Mondays - 7:00PM-8:00PM
Wednesdays & Fridays - 10:00AM-11:00AM
Tuesdays & Thursdays - 12:00PM-1:00PM

Your breathing can disconnect you from your stress, anxieties, and worries.
It's not about the postures; it's about the suspension of mental chatter.

Left: Sheryl Suspending Her Mental Chatter
Right: First WellNess Yoga Class @ BelArome

$17 per drop-in visit; $75 for 5 visits; $140 for 10 visits
No registration fees!
Small classes! Guaranteed Personal Attention!

Bring a friend for first-time visit,
and you & your friend pay $10 each!

REGISTRATION REQUIRED before start of activity to ensure your place.
Please call The Centre - 514.481.WELL or email us at

For further information, see our website:













Sunday, March 2, 2013

Don't know the difference between a chuckle, a titter, a giggle, a chortle, a cackle, a belly laugh, a sputtering burst, a snicker, a snigger, a guffaw, a snort, a bray, and a howl??? Me neither!

But, if you join us, you may very well experience all of them -- and more!

Beverages & snacks available on site.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED before start of activity.
Please call The Centre - 514.481.WELL or email us at


Essential Aroma Tip: Refreshing and Rejuvenating remedy

Time to clean out the burrow you've been hibernating in this winter? Back to school for the build-up to exams? Have additional projects at work?  Nothing relieves stress better than the fresh, sweet aroma of basil. Its spicy notes inspires clarity, increase memory, and support positive thinking.

Here are some of the properties that make basil so great for getting you up and about:

  • Analgesic - pain killing
  • Antidepressant - relieves lethargy and mental fatigue
  • Antispasmodic - relieves spasms, cramps and spastic coughs
  • Cephalic - regulates growth and function of brain & nervous system
  • Nerve tonic & stimulant - stimulates and/or relaxes nerves, balancing the whole system

If you are interested in learning more, join up for one of our aromatherapy classes. This month all green herb essential oils are 20% off.


BelArôme-Approved Tea Recipes -- Brain-Building Basil Smoothie

It's important for us to keep our mind stimulated, especially as we age. You would think that, in this busy world of ours, that we get all of the stimulation that we need. That may or may not be the case for you, but it is essential to keep your brain functioning well so that it can process things easily and efficiently.

A great source of omega-3 fats, which augment brain function, focus, and memory, avocado adds thickness to this smoothie. The basil also helps relax the brain so that it functions at its best.

If you'd like to spice things up a bit, you can use Holy Basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum, instead of regular basil tea. Tulsi is renowned for being calming, immune-strengthening, stress reducing, nervous system toning. It supports healthy vision, enhances respiratory function, increases metabolism, and maintains healthy blood sugar levels and digestion. It is also rich in antioxidants that slow down the excess oxidation that can harm your cells and tissues that can occur after prolonged periods of stress, to protect your body by neutralizing free radicals. It can refresh you when you feel tired, help with clarity of the mind, and even aid in supporting normal cholesterol levels. What a great, health-enhancing beverage for drinking on its own hot or cold.  We have some on our shelves, so give it a try!

Brain-Building Basil Smoothie


  • 1 ripe avocado, halved and pitted
  • 3/4 cup almond or whole milk
  • 3/4 cup double-strength basil or holy basil tea
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped
  • Basil, thinly sliced, for garnish


  1. Scoop the flesh from the avocado into a blender. Add milk, lime juice, sugar, and chopped basil; purée. Add 1 cup ice; purée until smooth.
  2. Divide between 2 chilled glasses and garnish with thinly sliced basil.
  3. Enjoy!

This month, all herbal -- including Tulsi! -- teas are 20% off.




Boutique Specials This Month (All expire 4/30/12)
On Our Oil Racks
Aromatherapy Accessories
Free Gift With Purchase

essential oils

All Tree EOs


Battery-Operated Diffusers


Free Footbath Salts
with purchase of a
Foot Reflexology Session

On Our Bookshelves
In Our Tea Boutique
Free Gift With Purchase

Aromatherapy Books


gourmet teas on sale

Rooibos Teas

10 ml Individualized Blend
Free with purchase of an
Aromatherapy Massage

For further information About Any Of Our Activities, Click Here.
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© 2013 BelArôme Holistic Health Centre

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